GeneSiC Semiconductor - KBU8G

KEY Part #: K6540625

KBU8G Bei (USD) [55337pcs Hisa]

  • 1 pcs$0.70659

Nambari ya Sehemu:
GeneSiC Semiconductor
Maelezo ya kina:
BRIDGE RECT 1PHASE 400V 8A KBU. Bridge Rectifiers 400V 8A Bridge Rectifier
Manufacturer's standard lead time:
Katika hisa
Maisha ya rafu:
Mwaka mmoja
Chip Kutoka:
Hong Kong
Njia ya malipo:
Njia ya usafirishaji:
Jamii Jamii:
VITAMBUZI VYA Co, LTD ni Msambazaji wa Vipengele vya Elektroniki ambavyo hutoa aina za bidhaa pamoja na: Transistors - Bipolar (BJT) - Kufika, Viwango - uwezo wa Kubadilika (Varicaps, Varactors, Transistors - Ushirikiano uliopangwa, Viwango - Zener - Arrays, Thyristors - SCR, Transistors - Bipolar (BJT) - Moja, Iliyopendekezw, Viwango - Rectifiers - Arrays and Transistors - Bipolar (BJT) - Kufika, Kupigwa kabl ...
Faida ya Ushindani:
We specialize in GeneSiC Semiconductor KBU8G electronic components. KBU8G can be shipped within 24 hours after order. If you have any demands for KBU8G, Please submit a Request for Quotation here or send us an email:

KBU8G Sifa za Bidhaa

Nambari ya Sehemu : KBU8G
Mzalishaji : GeneSiC Semiconductor
Mfululizo : -
Hali ya Sehemu : Active
Aina ya Diode : Single Phase
Teknolojia : Standard
Voltage - Rejea ya kilele (Max) : 400V
Sasa - Wastani Aliyerekebishwa (Io) : 8A
Voltage - Mbele (Vf) (Max) @ Kama : 1V @ 8A
Sasa - Rejea kuvuja @ Vr : 10µA @ 400V
Joto la Kufanya kazi : -55°C ~ 150°C (TJ)
Aina ya Kuinua : Through Hole
Kifurushi / Kesi : 4-SIP, KBU
Kifurushi cha Kifaa cha Mtoaji : KBU
Unaweza pia Kuvutiwa Na
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